Thesis is a process of critical engagement with a research topic. It begins during the Thesis Preparation project in the 3rd semester (or before) and culminates with a cohesive argument, or proposition, that clearly articulates the students’ individual contribution within the research field.
The 4th semester provides the students with the opportunity to consolidate their gained academic knowledge, personal design perspective, research interest, technical expertise, and contextual understanding of architecture through an Integrated Technologies and Architectural Design Research Master Thesis.
The ITECH program’s interdisciplinary framework, coupled with a critical and analytical approach to computational design, simulation, and fabrication, offers a unique space for inquiry within architectural design and practice. The thesis presents itself at the forefront of this inquiry as it may foster, develop and test many kinds of understandings, both technical and theoretical.
As a process of critical engagement, the ITECH thesis is not only assessed by its final output but through a series of development stages marked by key review points. The student’s objectives, the academic objectives of the program, as well as the student’s progress within the overall process, will all be considered at each development stage.
Given the interdisciplinary and research-based nature of the program, each student must select a supervising professor (ICD or ITKE), two suitable tutors, and any additional supporting resources that may be required (technical equipment, additional supervisors, etc).
To better address different research directions, there are currently three thesis track options possible:
A Semester 3+4: Research Thesis
Track A is aimed at engaging research through a scientific and highly methodological approach. Students may expand on current methods, systems, and methodologies, or it may form the basis for the development of a new functional principle. This option offers the ability to engage a research interest over two semesters. Track A concludes with a comprehensive research document.
B Semester 3+4: Design Research Thesis
Track B is aimed at engaging an architectural system or processes by expanding both its technical development as well as its design space. Track B concludes with a spatial or structural design study or application enabled by the research subject (material system/fabrication process/etc…) and a related research document.
C Semester 3+4: Design Studio and Research Extension of Design Studio
Track C incorporates a design studio in ITECH / Faculty of Architecture / exchange semester, etc. in semester 3 and a research extension as a short version of (A) or (B). The ITECH design studios are offered directly by the corresponding institutes and their specific focus is in line with the institutes particular research interest.