The livMatS Pavilion received the Materialpreis 2021 (Anerkennung Material) in the category material.
The jury stated:
"From carbon to flax, the livMatS pavilion is part of a great tradition of pavilions at the University of Stuttgart. As a consistent development of robotic manufacturing, sustainable fiber composites were cumulated with material-efficient lightweight structures at ITECH/ICD/ITKE/IntCDC to create an expressive and inspiring architectural sculpture, which is indeed an important milestone in the direction of sustainability in architecture. An excellent project!"
Congratulations to the project team, especially hte ICD Class of 2020!
The project description and jury statement can be found here: https://www.raumprobe.com/de/projekte/livmats-pavillon,-botanischer-garten-freiburg-899
More about the Materialpreis 2021 and the winners:
ICD Project page: https://www.icd.uni-stuttgart.de/projects/livMatS-Pavilion/
Photo: ©Raumprobe