ITECH graduates Hussamaldeen Gomaa, Wai Man Chau and Yara Karazi presented at the Design Modelling Symposium 2024 in Kassel, Germany.
Their paper "Influence of Geometry on Growth and Strength of 3D-Printed Mycelium Composites: A Data-Driven Study" with co-authors Eliza Biala, Zuardin Akbar, Thomas Wortmann and Martin Ostermann is based on their 2023 ITECH M.Sc. Thesis Project “m{AI}celium”.
The article can be found here:
Congratulations to Hussam, Wai Man and Yara!
© Image credits: W.M.Chau, H.Gomaa, Y.Karazi, ITECH University of Stuttgart, 2023
This study explores the potential impact of geometric configurations on the growth and mechanical properties of 3D-printed Mycelium-Based Composites (MBCs). Through a combination of digital exploration, physical experimentation, and data analysis, the study examines how geometrical parametric manipulation may affect MBCs growth and mechanical properties. Material preparation involves a combination of Ganoderma Tsugae mycelium with hemp and straw substrate, followed by 3D-printing and incubation in controlled growth conditions. Structural testing and digital image processing techniques are employed to analyse growth patterns and material behaviour. The study reveals significant correlations between geometric parameters and MBCs growth, underscoring the potential for geometry to optimise mycelium growth and structural performance. These findings contribute valuable insights for informed design and the utilisation of MBCs in sustainable architectural applications, emphasising on further exploration in biomaterial systems research.