Dendri Bots - A Collective Robotic Construction System for the assembly of Dendriform Structures
This research investigates the utilization of Collective Robotic Construction (CRC) systems for discrete elements with non-repetitive geometries. Current research projects on CRC involving discrete materials work with a standard repeating module. The exploration of systems capable of working with materials with varying geometries has been largely unexplored. To explore such systems, branching structures are selected for assembly due to their gradual reduction in cross-section and length of the elements as they ascend. Timber is chosen as material because of its versatility and a Mobile Climbing Robot called a Dendri Bot is co-developed with the structure. In this project, the Dendri Bot is prototyped and the proposed system is validated through a series of experiments. The outcome would be the Dendri Bot gripping and climbing timber struts of various cross sections and lengths, rotating around the timber struts to access all the planes and carrying the material for assembly. A simulation of a non-planar tree structure assembled with the help of two Dendri Bots through a defined assembly sequence is also showcased.
ITECH M.Sc. Thesis Project 2023: Dendri Bots - A Collective Robotic Construction System for the assembly of Dendriform Structures
Sai Praneeth Singu, Ali Shokri
Thesis Advisers: Samuel Leder, Lasath Siriwardena, Philipp Kragl
Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Achim Menges
Second Supervisor: Prof. Jan Knippers